The Lean Startup

Title:The Lean Startup
Author:Eric Ries
Genre:Business Book

Review:   The lean start-up is the book of emphasis for those start-ups which have gone headfirst into the market. Whereas entrepreneurs are not limited to any category or level, the certainty of success can be calculated with a few steps that not only play a role in your way of business development, but also give you an insight to a strengthened course-line for your firm.

Some points of validation define the strength of your plan, and according to Eric, he only learnt those after he put in six months of his time in putting together an idea which was already halfway there. By halfway, it means that when he made the idea of IMVU, he used the messenger service that was already available. The outcome was nowhere near what he had thought, and that only brought in the realization that all that time put into it had gone to waste.

Then Eric goes back to realize what went wrong in his strategy and realizes that he should have checked out sooner what his customer wanted as the end product. It is often an estimated result, but it is better to get an overview of the end consumer. He also found that analyzing the research results in a critical manner will make you realize the strength of your findings, to ultimately make a better decision for your product in the market. To better understand where your work stands, it is better to get their response to a certain product than getting just their opinion about it. When the course of action includes your getting through the development levels one by one, it is easier to get an early response from the end consumer about. Because initial marketing only creates a hype that seconds the already present product, and if the product is not physically available, it will be almost to no good.

Once you have assessed the results of your pre-hype, you can now determine the kind of practical launch that applies with your firm. And if the results are not enough to start-up the actual production process, more analyzing is what you and your customer wants.

Learning Outcomes:

As much as entrepreneurs are found around the globe, the right timing, strategy and understanding can reap out the best result for a start-up or an emerging firm.

WinningGO Thinks:

Startups are good but being the better or best startup needs insight.Here are some insightful facts to help you organize your way around to being an accelerated startup with great results.
